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Me...Who is "me"?

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Hi, there! You. Yes, you. Wanna know more about me? Well, there is nothing much I can say about me. Me is a girl with no blogging experience and me like to keep everything to herself. But right now, me would like to share with everyone something about herself and you will be able to find out who is me at the end of this post. Doesn't that sound interesting?

That is me in long hair. Me's hair is currently short.

Where should me begin at? Lets talk about hobby. What is your hobby? If you like to listen to musics, let it be English, Chinese, Tamil, Malay - our national language, instrumental, etc., share them with me. For me, musics symbolize feelings that cannot be expressed in words. Amazing, isn't it? No? Okay. What about reading? Me like to read novels and comics. Immature? Well, something using your creativity? Such as making greeting cards. Me like to make cards, especially for her friends' birthdays. Too troublesome? Then, what do you like to do in your leisure time? Play the piano? That is so wonderful. At last, you and me have something in common.

This is one of my favourite piece - Mariage de Amor.

Besides the above activities, me like to visit a few websites when me surf the Internet. While most people use Hotmail, me prefer Yahoo! Mail. Everytime me on her PC, she was sure to sign in to her email to check her mails and do some replies for those required. But not only Yahoo! Mail. Me like to visit other services provided by Yahoo! too, such as Yahoo! Health ( and Yahoo! Music ( Yahoo! Health provides me with lots of health advice and tips on conditions and diseases, diet and fitness, mind and mood, longevity and most importantly, everyday wellness. As listening to musics is one of me's hobby, Yahoo! Music is certainly the right choice to listen to millions of songs continuously and download for free too. Manga websites, especially One Manga (, are one of the website that me visited the most as me enjoy reading comics. For studies, me use Wikipedia ( to search for the relevant information.

While surfing the Internet, me spend most of her time checking her mails, browse through online shopping websites, such as ( and eBay (, for online window shopping, read manga online, read news online and download new released music.

Well, that's all about me. Know who is "me" now? Don't know? It is OK! Let me tell you. "Me" is Low Yee Tieng and Yee Tieng is just fine.